States, Courts, Decentralized Movements, and Resisting Eviction Culture: The Land Valuer’s Tale (Dublin, 1881) (Agrarian Studies Colloquium)

States, Courts, Decentralized Movements, and Resisting Eviction Culture: The Land Valuer’s Tale (Dublin, 1881) (Agrarian Studies Colloquium)

Friday, September 21, 2018
11:00 AM
230 Prospect Street, Room 201, New Haven, CT 06511
Jo Guldi, Southern Methodist University

Jo Guldi (Southern Methodist University, Department of History) will discuss “States, Courts, Decentralized Movements, and Resisting Eviction Culture: The Land Valuer’s Tale (Dublin, 1881).” 11am - 1pm. Lunch to follow. 

The core of the Agrarian Studies Program’s activities is a weekly colloquium organized around a theme: “Hinterlands, Frontiers, Cities, and States: Transactions and Identities.” 

Invited specialists send papers in advance that are the focus of an organized discussion by the faculty and graduate students associated with the colloquium.

For more information, visit the Agrarian Studies Colloquium webpage.