Keywords: “Justice,” “Preservation,” “Scale,” Panel and Reception (Yale Environmental Humanities)

Keywords: “Justice,” “Preservation,” “Scale,” Panel and Reception (Yale Environmental Humanities)

Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Burke Auditorium, Kroon Hall

Yale Environmental Humanities will kick off a semester-long interdisciplinary series on “Landscape and Memory” with a panel on “Keywords in the Environmental Humanities.”  Three Yale scholars will discuss conceptual terms shaping how humanities scholars write about the environment and society. 

The 4PM-5PM Keywords panel  features: 

“Justice” by Laura Barraclough (American Studies and Ethnicity, Race & Migration) 

“Preservation” by Elihu Rubin (Architecture and American Studies)

“Scale” by Ila Tyagi (Film and Media Studies and American Studies)

The panel will be followed by a 5:00pm-6:15pm reception to celebrate the start of the spring semester.

Admission: Free
Open to: General Public