Contrasting Pathways to Domestication and Early Agricultural Productivities: Examples across Africa and Asia (Yale Agrarian Studies)

Contrasting Pathways to Domestication and Early Agricultural Productivities: Examples across Africa and Asia (Yale Agrarian Studies)

Friday, September 24, 2021
11:00 AM
Online via Zoom
Dorian Fuller (University College, London)

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Dorian Fuller is a Professor of Archaeobotany at University College, London. He specializes in archaeobotanical methods and theory, Early Agriculture, Domestication, and human modifications of environments over the long term. He uses this framework to analyze the cultural history of Nubia/Sudan, and the cultural history of India, both prehistoric and proto-historic. He works with the idea of how long term cultural traditions, such as cooking traditions, have shaped the evolution of crops and economics, and how cultural traditions can be understood through combining archaeological evidence with historical linguistics