Paul_Sabin |
Paul Sabin Randolph W. Townsend Professor of History
United States environmental history, energy politics, environmental humanities, political, legal, and economic history
Stuart Schwartz George Burton Adams Professor of History
History of colonial Latin America, especially Brazil, the history of Early Modern expansion, history of hurricanes and other natural disasters
Palvasha Shahab History
South Asia, Environmental History, Legal History, Indus Delta, Commodification, Empire
Ashanti Shih History of Science, History of Medicine
Ashanti Shih was born and raised in Honolulu, Hawai‘i. In 2011, she graduated from the University of California, Berkeley with a bachelor’s degree in History and Art Practice. Her undergraduate thesis explored the history of Japan’s nuclear energy program, focusing on the controversial use of American nuclear fuel in the 1970s. At Yale, Ashanti studies the history of ecology and environmental history in the Pacific region. Her dissertation, tentatively titled, “Alien Ecologies: Conservation and Identity in Twentieth-century Hawai‘i,” focuses on the history... Read More |
Kalyanakrishnan Sivaramakrishnan Dinakar Singh Prof of India & South Asia Studies, Prof of Anthropology and Sch of For & Env Stu
Environmental history and political anthropology of forests, agriculture, human-animal relations, and urban environments in India
Frank Snowden Andrew Downey Orrick Professor of History
European social and political history, the history of medicine, the history of epidemics
Ila Tyagi American Studies and Film Studies
My dissertation, tentatively titled “Seeing the Invisible: The American Oil Industry in Moving Images,” addresses visual solutions to the problem of representing phenomena that elude the eye. Over four chapters, I examine drones equipped with cameras monitoring the enormous spatial sprawl of oilfields in Alaska; guerrilla documentaries looking past BP’s attempts to conceal the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico; animated sequences in Cold War-era sponsored films that depict underground drilling; and early actualities capturing the new appeals to smell, taste, and touch... Read More |
Harvey Weiss Professor of Near Eastern Archaeology in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations and Anthropology and Forestry & Environmental Studies
Mesopotamia, early agriculture, cities and empires; Holocene paleoclimatology and environmental change.