Veiled Voyagers: The Emergence of Travel Writing by Women in West Asia (Council on Middle East Studies)

Veiled Voyagers: The Emergence of Travel Writing by Women in West Asia (Council on Middle East Studies)

Thursday, November 21, 2019
4:30 PM
Henry R. Luce Hall, Room 203
Sunil Sharma (Boston University)

Sunil Sharma is Professor of Persianate and Comparative Literature at Boston University’s Department of World Languages and Literatures. He received his PhD in Persian literature from the University of Chicago. His research interests are in the areas of literary and visual cultures, translation, and travel writing. His most recent book is Mughal Arcadia: Persian Poetry in an Indian Court (Harvard University Press, 2017). He serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Persianate Societies and Studies in Persian Culture. He is the current President of the Association for the Study of Persianate Societies (ASPS).

This event is part of the Yale MacMillan Center’s Council on Middle East Studies (CMES) Colloquium. For more information, see